Rydon Optical Dock 2

Thanks to its new seamless design and wider shape, the new full rim optical interface Optical Dock 2 combines style with the outstanding versatility and simplicity of the Optical Dock platform, expanding at the same time its prescription range for even higher corrections.



  • Spol UNISEX
  • Teža 26 g.
  • Mere 52#20-133
  • Višina 38
  • Osnova 6

Tehnične specifikacije

  • Adjustable Nosepiece
    Adjustable Nosepiece
  • Adjustable Temple
    Adjustable Temple
  • Quick Change
    Quick Change
  • Total Comfort Fit
    Total Comfort Fit

Rydon Optical Dock 2

Minimal design

Thanks to its new minimal design and wider shape, Optical Dock 2 combines style with the outstanding versatility of the Optical Dock platform

Quick Change System

Zamenjajte stekla v nekaj sekundah! Sistem hitre menjave stekel Quick Change System omogoča, da si izberete vrsto in/ali obliko stekel, ki vam najbolj ustreza. Zaradi hitre menjave stekel, lahko zlahka prilagodite očala vsem svetlobnim pogojem.

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Optical Dock 2

Thanks to its new seamless design and wider shape, the new full rim optical interface Optical Dock 2 combines style with the outstanding versatility and simplicity of the Optical Dock platform, expanding at the same time its prescription range for even higher corrections.

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wider field of view
wider field of view

wider field of view

Optical Dock 2 is a base 6 full rim clip that allow any material to be used for prescription lenses, including "stock" lenses. The main advantages of the new shape are a wider field of view and a fully integrated design