Stratofly Optical Dock

The Optical Dock is a full rim clip that allow any material to be used for prescription lenses, including "stock" lenses. Lateral protection and stability in the event of impact are maintained. The lateral field of vision is slightly more limited compared to other optical solutions, but the range of prescriptions is incredibly broad. Optical Dock is the perfect solution for patients who needs substantial vision correction and want to benefit from the design, technology and comfort of Stratofly performance sunglasses



  • Spol UNISEX
  • Teža 26 g.
  • Mere 54#20¬136
  • Višina 35
  • Osnova 4

Tehnične specifikacije

Stratofly Optical Dock

Quick Change System

Zamenjajte stekla v nekaj sekundah! Sistem hitre menjave stekel Quick Change System omogoča, da si izberete vrsto in/ali obliko stekel, ki vam najbolj ustreza. Zaradi hitre menjave stekel, lahko zlahka prilagodite očala vsem svetlobnim pogojem.

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Optical Dock

Optical Dock is a full rim clip that represents a perfect solution for sportsmen who needs substantial vision correction and want to benefit from the design, technology and comfort of Rudy Project sunglasses.

Adjustable Nosepad

The soft adjustable nosepad offers an exceptional fit for any shape of face. This system also allows to adjust the glasses’ height and their distance from the face to prevent misting.

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Comfort Pads and Peripheral Shields
Comfort Pads and Peripheral Shields

Comfort Pads and Peripheral Shields

Rudy Project je vodilno podjetje na področju raziskav in razvoja tehnično naprednih čelad, in očal za popolno zaščito. Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju vrhunske varnosti z napredno tehnologijo, integriranimi tečaji in mehkimi termoplastičnimi elastomeri, ki preprečujejo poškodbe v primeru padcev, udarcev in trkov.